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Advanced Separation Process(CHE-S507)

Note:Please listen to Audio with Lecture slides.

Class Schedule
Fundamentals of Separation Processes Lecture01 Audio01
Introduction to membrane based processes Lecture02 Audio02
Membrane separation processes (Retention, Film theory) Lecture03 Audio03
Membrane separation processes (Osmotic pressure equations, transport laws) Lecture04 Audio04
Membrane separation processes (Solution diffusion model, membrane fouling & Polarization) Lecture05 Audio05
Membrane separation processes (combine film theory and darcy's law 1)Use defination of Rr (Osmotic Pressure model) 2)Use solution diffusion model) Lecture06 Audio06
Membrane separation processes (Kedem Katchalsky,modified solution diffusion,developing mass transfer boundary layer introduction, similarity parameter) Lecture07 Audio07
Membrane Separation Processes(solution of developing mass transfer boundary layer equations using similarity parameter, algorithm Cm*(guess),Pew,A1,I,Cm*(calculated)) Lecture08 Audio08
Membrane Separation Processes(Sherwood numbers(x,λ),Faster Procedure and unstirred batch system introduction) Lecture09 Audio09
Membrane Separation Processes(Unstirred batch system,Sherwood numbers(τ,Pew),Gel layer filtration introduction) Lecture10 Audio10
Membrane Separation Processes(Gel layer controlled filtration(1D and 2D models)) Lecture11 Audio11
Membrane Separation Processes(Mass transfer coefficient for 2D gel layer case and More realistic Gel layer Polarized filtration,Estimation of cake/gel parameters α(P),ε,dp) Lecture12 Audio12
Membrane Separation Processes(Shortcomings of film theory,Mass transfer coefficient modified,Modeling of membrane modules(3 cases),Case 1(J=const) for rectangular and radial coordinates ΔP(x)(Plate and frame , spiral , hollow fiber, tubular) Lecture13 Audio13
Membrane Separation Processes(Modeling of membrane modules:Case 2(J=LpΔP) for rectangular and radial coordinates, case 3 (J=Lp(ΔP-Δπ)) for rectangular coordinates) Lecture14 Audio14

*Last equation for J: Summation of fluxes coming towards the membrane is zero at steady state
Membrane Separation Processes(Modeling of membrane modules:case 3 (J=Lp(ΔP-Δπ)) for radial coordinates , turbulent flow spiral module and tubular module, Dialysis:Transport mechanism across the membrane,Determination of Dim) Lecture15 Audio15
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